
He paints a regal picture.
Embellished with gold in his clothing,
as well as in his character.
The curls cascade,
and the cape captivates:
like a senator’s toga,
the draped fabric maintains an impression of importance.
His hand grips it effortlessly,
as if his notoriety is something he expects,
rather than something he has earned.

He smirks at you.
He is surprised by any creature without perfect complexion.
His cheeks flush with embarrassment just from the sight of you.

Standing upon the flora which decorates him,
he embodies a partnership between the wealth of the earth,
and the wealth in his pockets.
His cap cannot hide
the prosperity that grows with those curls.
Chest proud and
gaze wide,
the shadow he casts reaches
farther and farther,
until someone detects
the lies that supply it.

There is a fear behind that smirk.
There is a reason behind the value placed on perfection.
He fears his own embarrassment.

The podium which he rests upon
can only be seen from behind.
Much like the family fortune
which he relies upon.
Behind the persona
of a man,
is a scared little boy.
The ties which secure his hair
and his slacks,
lack the true security that he requires:
the security of his mind.

and covered from head to toe,
attempting to conceal the revealing
pressures of aristocracy,
His fine clothes cannot obscure the eye
from the vulnerability of his flesh.
Man is man.
The presence of affluence and authority
cannot deny that fact:
it can only
attempt to disguise it.

You pity him.
He is perfection the same as he is fragility.
He paints a picture of human nature.

The Tang, Monday March 18th
Figure in 18th-century garment, 19th Century
Artist Unknown


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